Intuitive Heart Institute

Intuitive Heart Institute's

The Archetype Workshop Series

Your Space to Understanding Your Archetypes & Discovering Your Inner Guides

What is The Archetype Workshop Series?

Each of us is equipped with 12-14 archetypes, or energy patterns when we arrive here on Earth. These energy patterns act as our board of directors–they guide our thoughts, actions, and beliefs as we live our lives.

Getting to know each archetype intimately–as they apply specifically to you & your experiences–is a game changer in living our lives according to our divine plan.

This series of workshops is set up by levels as building blocks to understanding and working with your own individual archetypes.

What will I learn in each level?

LEVEL ONE is designed to take you through the foundations of archetype work. We introduce you to your three core survival archetypes & discover where they are on your natal archetype chart.

discover your
inner guardians

the victim
the saboteur
the prostitute

work with your core survival archetypes

recognize patterns


Each Archetype sits in a specific area of your natal archetype chart, where it rules an aspect of your life–creating wanted & unwanted patterns. Increasing awareness around these patterns brings you clarity & creates space for evolution & growth.

LEVEL TWO is focused on the child archetypes. Each of us has at least one child archetype, when we discover where the child rules our chart, and what their needs are, we can unlock patterns that have been unexplained our whole lives.

meet your child archetype


understand your core wound

what are you here to heal?
what are you here to experience?
what is your constant pain?

connect with your life's purpose

"what do you want to be when
you grow up?"

The way our child archetype has been loved, nurtured, conditioned, their wounds, pains, etc. matters–it’s the foundation of who we are and how we act in the world; how we’re able to serve and show up in our relationship with ourselves and others.

LEVEL THREE is where we zoom out and look at your entire natal chart. We spend time understanding the houses, quadrants & meridians of the cosmic wheel.

learn to read the cosmic wheel


what archetypes rule each house

in depth & specific to you

tie it all together

bring the patterns into light & get guidance on your next steps specific to your vision & your desires

Learning to read the cosmic wheel gives you the tools to work with your own natal archetype & natal astrology chart, in a way that helps you recognize patterns & trends so that you're able to consciously change them.

Is the Archetype Workshop Series right for me?

The Archetype Workshop Series is for empaths, light-workers, holistic practitioners & personal growth enthusiasts.
It's for people who have been working on their personal development and are interested in taking their journey a step further.
It is a group workshop, so it's for folks who are comfortable working in a group setting.

If you're ready to increase your self-awareness practice & learn new tools to discover more about yourself– this workshop series is for you.

"Yes! I'm ready to embark on this incredible journey!"